Friday, August 30, 2019

Own a Chihuahua if you want to cuddle with your pet

Chihuahua is the tiniest breed of dog which gets its name from the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. It comes with a wide variety of sizes, head shapes, colours and coat lengths. The history of this particular breed of dog is pretty puzzling. There are many stories evolving around the origination of this dog. However, the most common story says that it has descended from another breed named as Techichi.

More about Chihuahua

As mentioned earlier, Chihuahua is recognised as the smallest breed by many kennel clubs. There are two varieties of this breed. One of them is the smooth coat, and the other is long coat. Both these varieties have their special attractions and can be easily groomed and kept clean. Deer heads are recorded to have more widely set ears and eyes and relatively longer and slender legs.

Temperament of Chihuahua puppies

The temperament of Chihuahua puppies depends entirely on the genetic characteristics of its parents and grandparents. They can be easily provoked to attack something or someone and therefore, they are not suitable to be kept in houses along with small children. They have a tendency to become fiercely attracted to one particular person. They can become over protective of a particular person and especially in front of other people and animals. They find it difficult to mix and gel with dogs of other breeds and tend to have a clannish nature. However, you can keep them with a dedicated household with children 13 and up and then they can actually adapt to this kind of living.

Behaviour of Chihuahua puppies

A Chihuahua dog generally likes to keep itself in its own den, hiding inside its pillows, cloth hampers and blankets. They are often found deep below the bed especially in darkness, and that is what they perceive as their den. However, they also enjoy the sunlight. Chihuahua’s are not nice little dogs however they are nasty little things that bite. This statement is often proved right because as mentioned earlier they have a tendency of picking up bad temperaments in their genes.
Another reason was being many people breed Chihuahuas with a bad temperament which is another reason of their bad habits. In addition to that, there are many people who treat this breed as a substitute of their infant. They love to cuddle with it and carry it in their laps instead of training them and teaching them good lessons. This is another reason that makes Chihuahua puppies so notorious.

Neurotic breed - Chihuahua

It is no more a wonder that this particular breed is neurotic. They grow up in a way their owners teach them. You as an owner must be aware that it is you who should teach your dog to walk on its own on its four legs. This adorable little creature can be a treat for you if you can take care of it in the best ways possible. Housebreaking is probably the most difficult lesson that you can teach to Chihuahua breeders. It is really very difficult mainly in cold and wet weather.

Threats to take care for a Chihuahua

Socialising your Chihuahua not to threaten strangers is another thing that you must teach your dog. This particular breed is generally very suspicious by nature. They must have extensive exposure to people and to unusual sights because otherwise, their natural suspicion towards strangers and unknown sounds can often lead to downright nastiness.

They are often too quick to sound an alarm at every new sound and things that they see. You have to stop them quicker and if your training is successful, then they should be respecting you and should stop immediately with your orders. This breed also sheds but since they are generally small breeds shedding is not that big an issue. They are not at all hypoallergenic or light shedding.

Health of a Chihuahua dog

Dental care is of utmost importance for this small Chihuahua dog because their jaw size accounts for the weak teeth they possess. This breed can be affected by hydrocephalus. Dogs with this particular disorder tend to have an abnormally large head. They tend to be more lethargic and do not grow at the same pace as their siblings.

The puppies of this particular breed can also tend to suffer from hypoglycaemia and low blood sugar. Sleepiness, lethargy and uncoordinated walking can be seen as symptoms of hypoglycaemia. As a Chihuahua owner, you must be extremely conscious about the health of your pet. They are extremely small in size and hence needs extra care.

Chihuahua breeders can often be a problem to deal with because of their notorious behaviour. But if you train them properly they can be extremely sweet to own.

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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Get the ever friendly and fiercely loyal beagle dog

Are you looking forward to buying a family pet? You will get to choose from a wide variety of dogs available. However, if you recently want a family dog, you can always give the gentle and ever so affectionate beagle a fair chance. The beagle dog is highly appropriate as pets for the family mainly due to their playful nature.

They are very friendly and love to well, which is one trait which makes them all the more likeable and popular amidst both the children as well as the adults. Also, this particular breed of dog has been found to be highly intelligent and similar to most of the dogs belonging to the hound family, it also has a stubborn side to itself. Thus when it comes to giving training or housebreaking to the beagle dog, it becomes quite a challenging job as compared to training the other breed of dogs.

Training your beagle requires a lot of patience

But once you have successfully trained the beagle puppies with all the various rules and regulations of your house and have successfully disciplined him, you will find that he will always remember them and will follow them obediently without forgetting them. Another thing which the beagle have is a strong sense of smell which, though is a benefit, might pose to be an obstacle while you are imparting training to them, mainly due to the fact that they tend to get highly distracted by the various smells.

This is exactly the reason behind never allowing them to go off the leash unless you have your very own backyard which is completely secured and well-fenced. If the dog smells anything which seems to be interesting to him, he will go running off, looking for that smell thus making it highly difficult for you to find him and round him up again.

On the other hand, this particular breed of dog is quite the social animal, and he loves to spend quality time with his families and people he like and thus will be quite the fun addition to your family bringing you loads of joy and enjoyment.

It is highly crucial that you start imparting training to the beagle puppies as soon as you have brought them home from their beagle breeders. If you start from the very beginning, it will be relatively easier to teach and train him the rules and regulations of your house instead of trying to change all the bad habits your dog might have taken up due to the lack of training.

They can be quite stubborn

Always remember that they have quite a stubborn streak to their nature and hence training them will prove to be quite a challenge will take a lot of patience, effort and time from your side in order to make it successful.

One thing which you do is make a plan an intensive session of crate training for a period of about two to four months before you will find your dog to be completely housebroken. This specific mode of training is supposed to take the shortest time, and it has been found that other forms of training will take even more time.

It is also very important that this dog gets a lot of time for the purpose of playing and running and it should be taken out on daily walks as they are quite an important thing for them. They have quite a lot of energy and are very athletic.

Thus it is mandatory to take your dog for regular exercises, and walking sessions as it keeps him happy and healthy and training him will also be quite easier. Thus if you are someone who wishes to make an addition to their walking partner or companion, then this dog is just the right one for you.

They are quite a friendly dog

They are quite the best addition to your entire family. However, you should take time, do some research and collect all the various information about them which will help you in deciding or determining whether or not the dog is perfect and a positive addition to your family and home. Also keep in mind that they are highly sensitive animals and thus will require quite a lot of care and love, mainly in the first and primary few months in your house while he is being trained.

Also when it comes to the act of obedience training and housebreaking them, you will have to provide them with an extra amount of endurance and patience. They are very loyal to their master and love children. They are quite the entertainers and will show you a lot if antics which will amuse you and make you roll on the floor laughing. You can always talk to the beagle breeders and get to know more about them.

beagle dog images

Monday, April 29, 2019

How to find out the specialties of the Keeshond?

If you are looking for a medium sized dog, then Keeshond will not disappoint you. There are two layers of coat and a curled tail that makes it special. It was founded in Germany after that there are many countries where you can see this breed. There are different names in the different countries. The previous name had been changed in the year of 1926 in England now it has a new name which is Dutch Barge Dog.

What are the qualities of this breed?
There are many qualities in the Keeshond such as bright and cheerful nature. You should train them with moderate exercise to keep them fit. The dogs can be your best companion as well as a jogging partner. They love people and their attention that is why you should keep them with family. It will not take too much time to become a family member.
When it comes to grooming and other staff, you have to conduct the combing and other important staff. It belongs to a northern area that is why the dog is very sturdy. They love to stay clean, so you have to clean and brisk them. The coat of the Keeshond is like the Spitz dogs. There is the double coat for extra thickness and roughness. The male dogs used to have a thicker coat that the female.
What are the special points in the body of this breed?
The body of the dogs is covered with the heavy hair which is long and straight. There is harsh hair in the body that makes it downy undercoat. The outer coat is in black tipped over the white that makes it elegant. The black tips are used for shedding purpose. However, the colors may vary depending on the dogs. Apart from that, the black ears make them aggressive in looking. These are the main attraction of this breed.
·         It almost looks like a wolf because of the face, ears and curled tail. The thick coat makes it healthy and aggressive.
·         It is quite easy to live with the dog because they are not that aggressive from nature. It is less mischievous than the other Breeds. 
·         You should carry on moderate exercise such as walk and run.
·         The Keeshond dog is polite with strangers. 
·         They are a social dog that is why there will be no problem with other pets.

How to train your Keeshond dog?
Training of a dog is an important work for every dog owners. The Keeshond dogs are intelligent and obedient. It is a pleasure to own an intelligent dog that can follow your steps and learn the correct lessons.  There are many training centers where you can train your dog. Most of the dogs are interested in learning something new.
The Keeshond puppies also react to the loud noises, emotional sensitivities, and other sounds. There are many breeders who can be tense when they listen to the shouting. The dogs are not guarding or watchdogs. You can keep them as a pet. They can bark also depending on their mood. They used to bark to convey welcome to the family members.
Why people like the Keeshond?
There are many pet lovers who want to have puppies because they are very adorable. You can train the puppies even if you are an inexperienced trainer. The dogs can adjust even at the structured environment; you have to keep the puppies with you to make them as a family member. The Keeshond used to respond to the normal and light training method that is why you should not conduct the heavy method.
What makes the owner happy?
If you are looking for a balanced dog, then Keeshond puppies are the best because they don’t have a huge body which is good for sharp training. Apart from that the cute face always attracts the people around you. They can express their feelings by intelligent expression. The tail is curled over the back which enhances the look of the dog. You should take the following cares for your dog.
·         You have to maintain the nutrition in the food because it helps the puppy to enjoy the puppyhood.
·         You have to maintain the proper grooming and brushing for the dogs.
·         They also like to make new friends as well as explore a new place. You can go for an evening walk with them.
·         You have to maintain the health of the dogs. Keeshond breeders are the healthy breed.
·         When it comes to chewing, the puppies are the best chewers, so you have to be careful about the electrical wires and important staffs.
The interesting character and well behavior make them a right choice for the dog lovers. You don’t have to put too many efforts for the dog, but you have to be careful about the chewing habit of the Keeshond breeders.  They also like to play with water that is why you kids will enjoy his company.

Keeshond dog images

Monday, April 22, 2019

How to know different types poodle puppies?

If you don’t know about the Poodle, then you should have a look at the group of the formal dogs. There are many groups such as standard, toy and miniature poodle. There are four different sizes of the Poodle dogs which can be distinguished by the size of the dogs. These dogs are very clever that is why they can impress you. These dogs are the best when it comes to a pet.

Why should you adopt a poodle dog?

If you are looking for a dog to keep it as a pet, then you should go for the poodle. There are many colours exists in the coat which makes it attractive. There are many people who have claimed different places for the origin of the poodles. It also resembles like the German water dog. These dogs are very adorable that is why you should adopt them.
There are many people who have told that it was originated from a cross breed between several water dogs such as French, Hungarian, Spanish and Russian. If you want to know more about the Poodle, then you have to read the history of that breed. These dogs can hunt, but people love to keep them as a pet that is why this ability is submerged.

Why should you adopt a poodle dog

What makes you fall for poodle dog?

There are different colours in the coat of the poodles. It belongs to German, but the breed was standardised in the France. The poodle is loaded with different skills which are very useful in dog sports. Poodle is very agile, herding and obedient that is why most of the people love to keep them as a pet.
·         When it comes to the nature of the poodle dog, you should know that they are very intelligent and playful. You should train the dog it will keep the dog active.  Learning new things can be very funny for the poodles which are better than getting bored. The poodles are not destructive at all.
·         You should keep the dog healthy by providing a good amount of exercise and training. You may take to the professional groomer every six weeks. You may try the same at home if you want to save the grooming expenses.
·         The poodles used to have weepy eyes which are surrounded by the hair. You have to cut down those hairs to maintain the vision of the dogs.
·         You should not buy any puppies from the unknown breeders or any unrecognised store. You should adopt the dogs from the reputed breeders.
·         You should adopt those puppies which do not affect by any diseases.
·         When it comes to the lifespan of the Poodle dogs, they used to live for 12-15 years.
The height of the poodle breeders starts from the 10 inches for the males whereas 9 inches for the female. The weight of the poodle is between 6-9 pounds. There are Miniature Poodles whose height start from 11 inches and ends at 15 inches. The weight of the Miniature Poodle varies at 15-17 pounds. The FCI has stated that the poodles are the old French Barbet breed.

What are the primary requirements of the poodles?

The poodles are very active when it comes to jumping and activities. They are very intelligent and elegant dogs. These dogs are very cute; the best part is that you can clip them with traditional fashion. You have to be careful about the grooming process of the dogs.
·         When it comes to the nutrition and feeding, you must give important puppy food to the puppies.
·         You should maintain the hypoallergenic coat for the poodles. You should take the dog for professional grooming regularly.
·         You can take the poodle for regular running and swimming.
·         The poodle breeders are a healthy breed that is why they don’t require too many medicines.

How to know different types poodle puppies?

What is the attribute of the dog breed?

The poodle puppies do not have an extra coat like otherdogs. There is a single coating over the dense. You have to shed the curly fur to make it minimal. They also have long ears which are flat that is why they look cute. The front and back legs are proportioned with the tail. The tail is also used for the balancing purpose.
When it comes to the grooming of the dogs, then you have to maintain the square appearance of the dogs. When it comes to the length as well as the height of the poodles they are not very large. They also have a rounded skull along with forward facing eyes which look cute at all. You can play with the dogs or go for a daily walk which should conduct lots of exercises.
The poodle puppies are very cute although they have little behaviour problems. You should bring them to an open place where both of you can walk. The Poodle also needs extensive grooming. You have to keep them clean by providing a regular bath. 

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How to know different types poodle puppies?

How to know different types poodle puppies?

How to know different types poodle puppies?

Poodle dog breed images

Poodle dog images

Poodle dog images

Poodle dog images

Poodle dog images

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Why should you adopt the Dalmatian dogs?

When it comes to the large size dogs, then you have to look at the Dalmatian breeders. There are unique colours in the coat which look very attractive. These dogs are from Croatia in Dalmatian. These dogs are large that is why they are used to carry lots of things. These dogs have become one of the favourite family pet for the dog lovers.

What makes you fall in love with these dogs?

When it comes to the activities of the Dalmatian dogs, they are very energetic and active. You have to take them out for a daily walk. You should walk in front of the dog this will keep the dog calm. The dogs used to think that the leader is in front that is why they will never show aggression. You have to allow them to run in the safe place it will prevent their emptiness.
They also have a destructive nature that is why you have to be careful about that. Apart from that these dogs also have behavioural problems when they become bored, so you have to be careful about that. Dalmatian breeders are the best when it comes to emergency apparatus escorts. They also love horses that are why you can keep them with horses for training.

Why should you adopt the Dalmatian dogs?

How they help the firefighters?

These dogs are sophisticated as well as intelligent that is why can perform a quick action which is needed for the firefighters. If the dogs are trained well, they can act with sharpness. They can show the path to the people. The males used to have 24 inches of height whereas the females used to have 22 inches of height. When it comes to the weight of the dogs and bitches that is around 25kgs and 23kgs respectively.
Dalmatian dog is considered as one of the large dogs among the other dog'sbreed. There are black coat and a spot in the dogs which looks good. These dogs are used to carry lots of things in early days, but nowadays people love them as a pet. These dogs are the best companion when it comes to the joggers and skaters. Apart from that these dogs also love sports such as flyball and more.

How to prevent the behavioural problems of the dogs?

The Dalmatian dogs are known for its behavioural problems. If you want to prevent the behavioural problems, then you have to go for adequate exercise for the dog daily. It will help the dog to become an expert in its skills. You can take the dog out while jogging and with a bicycle. If you don’t train or provide adequate exercise they can become destructive.
·         You should conduct a daily exercise to prevent the behavioural problems of the Dalmatian puppies.
·         You may conduct brushing frequently it will help you to spend some time with the dog.
·         You have to adopt and train them to make them your family members.
·         You should conduct the firm training.
·         You have to hold regular meeting with other pets to socialise the dogs.
·         You should not keep them along for a long time. They don’t like to be along for long time that is why you should spend some time with the Dalmatian dog.
·         They are filled with energy, so you have to play with them.
When it comes to the health of the Dalmatians, you should know that these dogs are healthy. You can easily maintain the breed without any major problem. You can see some tendency towards the problems. They might have allergies as well as urinary stones which need to be taken care properly. Apart from that, they might have some hearing problems.

What are the interesting facts about the Dalmatian

What are the interesting facts about the Dalmatian?

The Dalmatians are the large dogs, but they used to have a short coat. You can minimise the shedding by using the brush to the. You have to groom the dogs properly to make them clean. These dogs are very energetic that is why you need to be active with the dog. These dogs used to live for 11-13 years. There are many dogs which can live up to 16 years; it depends on the exercise and food.
In the US and the UK the Dalmatian used to live for ten years on average. The Dalmatians used to suffer from the arthritic conditions and bone problems. There are many males and females used to suffer from the autoimmune thyroiditis. It is a common problem for these Dalmatian puppies. Despite having those problems the Dogs are very intelligent. These dogs are very smart, but they used to get bored quickly.
It will not take more than 15 minutes to learn a new command whereas another breed may take more than that time. You should know the history of the Dalmatian before you adopt one. These dogs can be your dream pet if you manage to spend lots of time with them. They can be aggressive when they become bored. If anything goes wrong, they can be hyperactive.

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Dalmatian dog breed images

Dalmatian dog images

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Dalmatian breeders images

Dalmatian puppies images

Dalmatian puppies images